‘Show My Homework’ was created by Satchel’s founder, Naimish Gohil, a former assistant headteacher, to address challenges in homework delivery and parental engagement.
The solution expanded, incorporating classroom elements like Timetables, Behaviour or Seating plans into new applications.
A comprehensive learning platform, Satchel One, was developed providing easy, one-click access to a suite of learning apps that streamline school processes.
Combining a full suite of cloud MIS features with the power of the market-leading learning platform, Satchel One has expanded into a cloud MIS
Naimish Gohil, an assistant headteacher, created ‘Show My Homework’ to address challenges in homework delivery and parental engagement.
The solution expanded, incorporating classroom elements like Timetables, Behaviour or Seating plans into new applications.
A comprehensive learning platform Satchel One was developed, providing easy, one-click access to a suite of learning apps that streamline school processes.
Satchel One has expanded into a cloud MIS, combining a full suite of cloud MIS features with the power of the market leading learning platform.
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