The Behaviour Management Suite is our one-stop-shop for all things related to student behaviour. Made up of 2 Apps and 3 Premium Features, the Behaviour Management Suite equips teachers with the tools necessary to promote positive student behaviour, reprimand negative actions, discipline and reward students in line with individual school behaviour policy and communicate relevant behaviour news to parents.
Behaviour is our online points-based rewards system that helps teachers reinforce positive student behaviour. With Behaviour, teachers can award points to recognise pupils’ achievements or custom badges, for extra special efforts. All points can be seen via the Behaviour Report, and parents are notified when their child receives positive points. Teachers can also assign negative points to reprimand poor behaviour.
Behaviour is also available as a stand-alone app; find out more.
Get Behaviour Management SuiteOn Call is a powerful way for teachers to quickly alert the behaviour or ‘on call’ team about developing incidents. Teachers are able to create an alert about a student directly from their class list, autofilled with time-saving information including the student’s name and the class location. The dedicated on call team will receive an alert both on their desktop and mobile device, allowing them to easily respond on the move. Once support has been offered and the alert resolved, an email summary is automatically sent to all members of the on call team, making incident reporting a breeze.
On Call is a premium feature available with Behaviour or as part of the Behaviour Management Suite.
Get Behaviour Management SuiteReferred Incidents supports school staff in dealing with more serious behavioural incidents. Teachers can create a Referred Incident for more persistent or severe poor behaviour - when a Referred Incident is made, the issue is escalated, and more senior staff members are notified. This escalation process is sleek and straightforward so that schools can take the necessary intervention.
Referred Incidents is a premium feature available with Behaviour or as part of the Behaviour Management Suite.
Get Behaviour Management SuiteDetentions is an online detentions booking system that streamlines the whole disciplinary process for schools. Teachers can swiftly issue detentions, stating the reason, duration, and room it needs to take place in. Students and parents are instantly notified when detentions are issued, attendance is recorded for all detentions, and staff can monitor everything via the Detentions Report.
Detentions is also available as a stand-alone app; find out more here.
Get Behaviour Management SuiteSanctions allows you to replicate your behaviour policy in Satchel One and automate disciplinary outcomes for students’ negative actions. Simply set up rules within Sanctions and link them to consequences such as Detentions or Referred Incidents. The relevant parties receive real-time updates of the sanction when the rule is met. Sanctions helps schools identify repeat offenders, adhere to behaviour policy and streamline the workload of managing poor student behaviour.
Sanctions is a premium feature available with Behaviour and Detentions or as part of the Behaviour Management Suite.
Get Behaviour Management SuiteWhether you’re looking for pricing, a quick demo and login details or more detailed information about getting your school set up, the team will be on hand to help. Fill in the form or give us a call on 020 7197 9550 option 1.
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