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1. Easier pupil management

Cloud-based MIS systems improve pupil management by letting users create reports and monitor critical metrics like attendance from anywhere. They also facilitate better remote communication, making following up with parents and guardians quicker and easier.

Satchel One's MIS Attendance feature screen
Satchel's visit to the UK's biggest education show

2. Increased flexibility

It’s not uncommon for educators to spend time outside of school hours catching up on tasks and getting ready for the next day. With the help of a cloud-based system, they are able to do this from anywhere, accessing the information they need without carrying home stacks and stacks of paper. From managing timetables to setting homework, it’s all at your fingertips.

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3. Superior analytics

No more spending hours manually sifting through data to find what you need, cloud systems are usually equipped with automatic reporting features that make gathering insights into your school as easy as clicking a button.

Looking for something more specific? Using a cloud system to build your own customised reports is a great way to get ahead.

Satchel One's MIS Student profile feature screen
Finley hard at work in London

4. Better value for money

One of the biggest benefits of cloud-based MIS solutions is that they’re highly cost-effective. Not only do they cut down on the costs of maintaining on-premise systems, they also eliminate the need to pay for upgrades, updates or backups, all of which get handled automatically and are included in the total cost of the software.

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5. Tighter security

With a cloud-based MIS, all of your school’s data gets transferred directly to a cloud hosting platform. As a result, you don’t have to worry about storing files and important documents at the school (where they could easily get lost, damaged, or fall into the wrong hands).

With your new system, you can stay flexible and feel confident that you’re always working with the latest security updates. These updates usually get handled automatically, without any downtime or delays for you and your teachers.

Satchel One's MIS School details feature screen
Satchel's visit to the UK's biggest education show

6. Smarter working

Smarter tools accessible from anywhere means smarter working. Reduce workload, save time and save your resources for other areas. A cloud-based MIS is the only way to work smart at your school in our modern technological era.

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7. Smoother integrations

Cloud-based MIS solutions are able to easily integrate with other software tools that educators rely on (via their API), like Google and Microsoft Teams. This helps users stay organised and save them from having to jump back and forth between different tools.

Satchel One homework task on Shakespeare
Satchel MIS Product Manager, Konstantina

8. Faster updates

System-wide updates are handled automatically on your behalf and involve significantly less downtime for you and your staff. No more stress when there’s an update scheduled, just the excitement of welcoming in new features and the latest tech advances.

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9. Improved data accessibility

You can rest easy knowing you’re always dealing with the most recent version of a document, report or data set thanks to the cloud’s remote syncing abilities. Practically instant transfers and uploads mean that even if you’re not in your office or at the school, you can still access up-to-date data from anywhere.

Satchel One's MIS Documents feature screen
Onboarding specialist and Satchel team member, Paul

10. Boosted sustainability

Not only are cloud-based systems more energy-efficient than other options, reducing your soaring energy bills, they also help you use less paper with document storage in the cloud. Switching to a cloud-based MIS is sustainability without compromising.

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What is a cloud MIS?

Want to learn more about what a cloud-based MIS does? Click the button below for our handy guide on what they are and why they’re so important.

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Discover our MIS

Satchel is expanding into an MIS. To stay in the know about our developments, timeline, pricing, demos or about becoming one of our early access schools, please fill in the form below.
